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  • In 2020, the sales growth rate of the company will reach 37.6%, creating new achievements!

  • In 2020, the sales growth rate of the company will reach 37.6%, creating new achievements!
          Over the past three years, the company's annual sales growth rate is not less than 30%.In 2020, although the epidemic has brought a huge impact on China's economy.However, the sales team overcame the difficulties and expanded into new markets, resulting in a growth rate of 37.6% , achieving simultaneous growth in profits and taxes. At the same time, the international marketing team started to expand international business,laying a foundation for the international development of the company in the future,and it is expected to achieve a higher speed of development in 2021.(Contributed by the Finance Department)
Links:Chongqing Bingwei Technology Co., Ltd. | Address:11 / F, building 2, No. 60, Kecheng Road, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing. IPhone:086-023-68663118 E-mail:bw@cqbwkj.com
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